Course curriculum

    1. Process of Corporate Mentoring

    2. 4 Channels for sales

    1. Our Mentoring Software

    2. HR Mentoring Manager Training

    3. Practical Assessment: HR mentoring manager research

    1. Difference in performance

    2. Limiting micromanagement by seniors

    3. Permanent improvement: Suggest solution

    4. Test: Suggesting a solution

    1. How to set agenda in ClickUp

    2. Important points to consider while preparing Agenda

    1. Prioritizing your projects

    2. How bundle can help to focus on important things

    1. Why the world needs us right now

    2. Mentoring: Need of hour

    3. Practical Assignment: "Value of institutional mentoring"

About this course

  • €500,00
  • 30 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content