All about Entrepreneurs Mastermind

The concept of mastermind has been described as an effective tool for success. Through our Entrepreneurs network we Co-elevate each other where we are all committed to helping each other succeed. We do this by:

  • First using our mentoring software we have a matching algorithm where we can match Entrepreneurs who have a certain challenge with those who have competence and who can be relevant with the topics they share with each other. Hence encourage peer to peer collaboration

  • Second we provide a system of accountability,the people who participate here commit to help each other succeed, commit to depth and quality.

  • Third is training. You will receive training on how to ask relevant thought provoking questions. When you join you will have a tool set on how to actually help and support each other’s thinking more effectively. Coaching is a 2 year training and we don’t have time for that but there amazing tools which help us to leverage each other’s thinking which is so critical in a time where many of us need to rethink or improve our business models


The Entrepreneurs Mastermind has three modules

  • Peer to Peer Matching

    The peer to peer module where we match you with your peer in the same sector and based on your competencies, interests and your challenges. We do the matching with our matching software .we provide a structured accountability system and training on how to ask thought provoking questions.

  • Group Network

    The second Module is the Group network. Here we have small groups of entrepreneurs in the same industry , we provide a group moderator who will guide the structured discussions and also provide training on how to support each other within the group.

  • Combined Module

    The combined moduel is where you can take part in both the Peer to Peer matching and the group network. You get to enjoy the benefits of being matched with your peer and also get to take part in the moderated group exchanges and activities

Pricing options

This is a one time cost and applies to both the peer to peer module and the group network module.